Dormant Company Accounts

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Dormant Company Definition: When a company has not traded during the current financial year it is considered dormant. This applies to companies that have had:

  • No incoming or outgoing financial transactions during that period
  • No income from other sources
  • No significant accounting transactions
If the company has any invoices that remain unpaid, bank interest or charges that fall due within the accounting year, these will be considered a significant accounting transaction, and the company will not be considered to be dormant.

Dormant vs Non-Trading. A non-trading company is one that may not have executed any business transactions during the financial year, but may have made certain other payments or received income. This could include, for example, rent, wages, banking and legal fees.

A dormant company, however, will have not have undertaken any significant accounting transactions during the year and, as such, will not be liable to pay corporation tax. This applies when the company is either:
  • No longer trading and has no income or
  • Is a newly incorporated company that has yet to begin trading


For just £100 purchase the Dormant Account Filing service through our website or for further information email us at
On an annual basis, we will send you a reminder as your next filing date approaches so that you can ensure that your accounts are prepared and filed in a timely manner.


121 Company Formation provides a dormant account filing service for limited companies.
If we did not incorporate the company for you, in order to file these accounts at Companies House, we will require:

  1. The company name and number
  2. Share information – amount and value of paid/unpaid shares
  3. The company authentication code

We require a minimum of 5 business days to file your dormant account.

121 Company Formation holds no responsibility for any financial penalties levied by Companies House for the late filing of dormant company accounts if you failed to allow three working days between the placement of your order and your filing due date.

File Dormant Accounts


Purchase this service to:

  • Have 121 Company Formation process and file your dormant accounts to ensure you remain legally compliant and avoid any penalties.


A dormant company is either a newly incorporated company that has not yet begun to trade or a company that has undertaken no significant financial transactions during its accounting year.
A dormant company’s accounts will be a simplified version of a trading company’s accounts because dormant companies have no financial transactions during the financial year. As such, dormant company accounts are not required to include a profit and loss statement nor a director’s report.
As required for all limited companies, dormant accounts must be filed at Companies House every 12 months.
Providing we receive all the required information, your dormant company accounts can be prepared and filed at Companies House within 24 hours.
However, please do note that we will need to receive your order and all the required information at least 5 business days before your filing due date in order to ensure your accounts are filed in a timely manner and you avoid any penalties.
Outstanding invoices, bank charges and interest payable are all considered to be significant accounting transactions which will deem the company to have traded within the financial year. Any fees relating to Companies House matters such as filing fees, late filing penalties, and payments for shares are excluded from the definition of significant accounting transactions.

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