Company Name Change

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After a company has been incorporated, it is possible to change a company name to a completely new name at any time. 121 Company Formation offers a company name change service to undertake this for you.


  1. Once you have confirmed the availability of your new company name, we will complete the NM01 form and submit it to Companies House. We will also pay the Companies House fee on your behalf
  2. Within 48 hours or sooner (depending on Companies House response times) Companies House will confirm the change of name has been processed
  3. We will take receipt of the Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name which confirms that your company’s new name has been registered, and will forward it to you electronically
  4. With a change of company name, the company’s registered number will remain the same and therefore the change of name will appear in the company’s filing history.

Of note: There is no way to conceal the company’s original name in the records held at Companies House. To conceal your company’s original name, you will need to close the original company and incorporate a new company using your new chosen company name.

If a company changes its actual structure, for example it decides to become a public limited company (PLC) rather than a private limited company, this does not constitute a company name change.


For just £54.99 purchase the company name change service through our website or for further information email us at

Company Name Change


Purchase this service to: -

  • Change a company name and have 121 Company Formation manage the process on your behalf.


Every company name has to be approved by Companies House. If your company name includes a sensitive name or phrase supporting documentation to justify its use will be required. Order our Company Name Change service and 121 Company Formation will be able to help manage the filing of this documentation with Companies House.
Every company name has to be approved by Companies House and if the name contains a sensitive name or phrase then supporting documentation to justify its use will be required, details of which we will supply when you place an order for our company name change service. There may be an additional administration fee for the extra work involved in this process.
The Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name will include both the original name of the company and its new name, as well as the company registration number which will remain the same. The Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name will supersede the original Certificate of Incorporation.
No, the Company Name Change service only applies to company name changes and not to changes to the company’s share structure.
The following parties should be informed of any changes to your company’s name:
  • The company’s bank
  • HMRC – all departments
  • Your customers and suppliers
  • All service and utility providers
  • Your local council and other relevant authorities
  • All business contacts
Don’t forget, the company’s stationery as well as its website, domain name and email address will all need to be updated to reflect the company’s change of name too.

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